Samples are sent to Westmead Hospital in Australia for CLIA if approval is given by our Microbiologists.
A reminder that Brucella is no longer endemic in New Zealand. If Brucella is still required please send relevant clinical details including international
travel history.
Brucellosis is no longer endemic in New Zealand (Brucella abortus was last isolated from cattle in 1988). [Ref: Surveillance (MAF) 2003;30:3-6]. Cross reactivity from other bacteria (such as Yersinia enterocolitica Serogroup 0:9) may cause positive titres. Brucella serology requires relevant clinical details including overseas travel history together with a convalescent sample 14 day post acute.
Microbiology - Serology
Testing is currently unavailable in NZ. Samples may be sent to Westmead Hospital in Australia.