Vanadium, Urine (Occupational)

Diagnostic Use

Vanadium is widely dispersed in the environment and is essential in the control of some enzyme systems in humans, eg vanadate inhibits Na+/K+ ATPase and Ca2+ ATPase and stimulates adenylate cyclase activity.
Occupational exposure to vanadium mainly occurs when fossil fuel oils rich in vanadium are burnt. The remaining ash contains vanadium, and workers who clean the boilers are at risk of exposure. Vanadium is also used in the manufacture of pigment paints and printing inks and is used in association with titanium in the manufacture of jet engines and air frames. Vanadium is excreted in the urine and levels correlate well with airborne vanadium.
Vanadium is relatively toxic at high levels, causing diarrhoea and vomiting. Dust particles cause irritation to the skin, eyes and lungs.
Vanadium has a half life of 15 - 40 hours and is excreted in the urine. Urine levels correlate well with airborne vanadium.


Lipids/Trace Metals

Delphic Registration Code


Laboratory Handling


Recommended sampling time is POST SHIFT - the last 2 hours to immediately following the end of the working day.


Send to separating if ambient on arrival. Send to trace metals if frozen on arrival.


Aliquot to Core laboratory for UCRN

Turnaround Time

14 days

Test Code