1. A recent study reported that a TG cut-off of 1 ug/L for FNA-needle wash specimens provided 100% sensitiviy and 96.2% specificity for the detection of metastatic thyroid carcinoma in lymph nodes – refer J.CLin.Endocrinol.Metab. 2007; 92 (11): 4278 – 4281. This cut-off applies only to total needle wash volumes of <1.5 ml of normal saline.
2. FNA-TG levels should not be interpreted as absolute evidence of presence or absence of malignant disease. Results should be used in conjunction with clinical evaluation, cytology and imaging procedure information.
3. The test has been validated only in single lymphnodes from athyrotic patients.
4. FNA-TG should not be used to screen asymptomatic individuals for neoplastic disease.
5. TG may be undetactable in some undifferentiated metastases and cytology should be performed.
6. The adequacy of the biopsy sample, wash volume and matrix may affect the reported TG concentration.
Test Method
Beckman-Coulter Access analyser (ICMA)