QF-PCR is the abbreviation for quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction.
Results for ongoing prenatal referrals are reported within 5 days. Results for referrals from fetal tissues/productions of conception are reported within 15 days.
QF-PCR is a molecular technique used for diagnosis of the viable aneuploidies: trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). It can also detect Monosomy X (Turner syndrome) and triploidy and determine the fetal sex.
The test is employed at CHL to detect the common aneuploidies in fetal DNA, primarily prior to microarray or G-banded karyotyping.
While the test shares many similarities with rapid aneuploidy FISH, QF-PCR has the added benefit of genotyping the sample, which can help resolve mixed cell populations, identify maternal cell contamination, mosaicism, twin pregnancy and chimerism.
If the QF-PCR yields a normal result, a microarray (or karyotype if requested) may be performed.
Indications for QF-PCR +microaray:
• Ongoing pregnancy with increased risk of abnormality by maternal serum screen or NIPS
• Ongoing pregnancy with increased NT measurement (>3.5mm)
• Abnormalities on ultrasound or abnormal fetal phenotype
• One of the parents has a known chromosome rearrangement (eg. translocation)
• Recurrent miscarriage (defined as ≥ 3)
• Chromosome abnormality identified by G-banded karyotype
Genetics - Cytogenetics
Aneuploidy Screen
15 days