Turn-around times:
The turnaround time for results varies widely among referrals for external testing due to a number of factors. These include:
•The time required to collate all the necessary information. This includes obtaining consent forms, identifying an appropriate referral laboratory and completing specific referral forms/processes required by the referral laboratories
•The time to receipt of a second sample (if predictive testing is requested)
•The complexity of testing requested (eg. whole genome or exome sequencing takes much longer than a single gene disorder test)
•The frequency of requesting of the specific test required. Testing for rare disorders often takes much longer than the more common referrals due to the need/desire to run a viable batch size of samples
The table below provides indicative TATs for tests based on test type. For anticipated TATs for a specific test, or to request more urgent analysis, please contact this laboratory directly.
Table 1: Indicative TATs for Genetics Tesing that Requires Onward Referral
Test type
Approximate TAT
Single gene screening tests such as:
BRCA screen
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Lynch syndrome
TP53 gene test
4-6 weeks
Full sequencing of large genes such as:
Allan Hernon Dudley Syndrome
Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
5-16 weeks
MPS/NGS gene panel testing such as:
Noonan Syndrome NGS Panel
MPS for Bone Fragility
Aortopathy panel by MPS
16-20 weeks
Very rare or research only testing
~9-12 months