Mumps Virus RT-PCR

Diagnostic Use

Mumps is a contagious viral illness that is largely preventable via vaccination. Mumps typically begins with a few days of fever, headache, myalgia, fatigue, and anorexia; these manifestations are usually followed by development of salivary gland swelling within 48 hours.
Mumps is highly infectious and is transmitted by respiratory droplets, direct contact, or fomites. Mumps spreads rapidly among susceptible individuals living in close quarters.

Clinical samples for the detection of virus should be collected as soon as possible after onset of disease.


Microbiology - Virology

Delphic Registration Code


Laboratory Handling


Testing is batched daily Monday-Friday at approximately 9.30am, with results available from mid-afternoon. Urgent or weekend testing must be discussed with and approved by a Microbiologist.

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Add-ons can be made if an appropriate sample has already been received for other testing. Please call Virology to discuss.

Turnaround Time

3 days

Test Code