Iron is one of the most abundant elements on earth and is essential for the existence of all plants and animals. In humans 65-70% is found in haemoglobin, 4% in myoglobin and less than 1% in other iron containing enzymes and proteins. The remaining 25-30% is stored.
Iron is not normally excreted but is continually recycled by the reticuloendothelial system from old red cells into new ones. There is a daily loss of about 1 mg of iron per day due to shedding of mucosal and skin epithelial cells and loss of small numbers of erythrocytes in urine and faeces.
Urine iron analysis is to monitor patients receiving iron chelating therapy.
Anaemia with iron overload can be seen in conditions such as sickle cell disease, thalassemia major, myelodysplasic syndromes (MDS), enzymes disorders, iron transport and storage disorders and some cancers. In these patients the iron is trapped in vital organs such as the anterior pituitary, heart, liver pancreas and joints and it is important to remove the excess iron before damage can occur. Desferrioxamine is an iron chelating agent which can be used to remove the excess iron from these patients.
Lipids/Trace Metals
14 days