FISH has many applications and is particularly useful for:
• Family follow-up testing of well-recognised microdeletion syndromes.
eg. 22q11 deletion (HIRA), Williams syndrome ELN), Prader Willi/Angelman syndrome (15q11-q13)
• Sex determination studies, eg. neonates with ambiguous genitalia, ?disorders of sexual development.
Probes routinely applied:- SRY (Yp) and X centromere. Other probes applied as required (Y centromere, Yq12, X/Ypter, X/Yqter, SHOX).
• Rapid testing of neonates for trisomy 21 (or other aneuploidy).
• Haematological studies for specific gene rearrangements.
Genetics - Cytogenetics
22q deletion FISH
Aneuploidy screen
18 days