Where the AUC is to be calculated take blood samples 30 minutes and 6 - 22 hours (depending on renal function) post the end of the infusion recording both the exact time of infusion and blood collection. Repeat the 30 minute and 6 - 22 hour post-infusion blood samples every 3 days or prn depending on the clinical situation.
Do not use SST gel tubes
Aliquot Instructions
Reference Intervals
1. A 24-hour AUC of 150 – 200 mg/L.hr if using the target-AUC method (200 mg/L.hr if severe infection).
2. A 24 hour trough concentration of < 2.0 mg/L if the AUC method is not available.
Test Method
Immunoassay on Abbott Architect system
Non-Funded Test Cost
$31.74 (Exclusive of GST)
Billing Code
For urgent weekend analyses the Toxicology call person must be contacted.